Friday, October 26, 2007

SPAN SUMMIT LIVE: Facebook platform by Ami Vora

Facebook platform by Ami Vora (Facebook)

Talking about traffic stats (hovers between google, ebay, 5th most visited site)

Social graph

Photo tagging, awesome ability to reach out to only those who matter

same old stuff..

Now comes good stuff..

Platform offers

  1. mass distrivution – content, invitations, applications, anything oif value
  2. deep integration – if Facebook can build it, so can you
  3. new opportunity –
    1. Growth – access to millions, viral diftrivution
    2. Engagement – social context, 50% retuen users on website
    3. Monetization- freedom

i. Ad n/w

ii. Cross promotion

iii. Institutional funding

  1. Facebook fund
    1. low barrier to entry
    2. small no equity grants
  2. Advice from facebook
    1. engaging content, focus on social. Focus on user.
    2. use integation points well
    3. develop and iterate.. why will user come back. Low investment, quick feedback, iterate.
    4. intelligent promotion
    5. incorporate privacy
  3. This is just the beginning. Think long term. Same users, so facebook believes success depends on each others success.
  4. Facebook found that good performance have dramatic impact
  5. Q&A
    1. Micropayments , Monetization – two approaches. Either Facebook develops or 3rdparty develops.
    2. Facebook will leave a lot of money on the table for 3rdparty
    3. Best user experience is not possible if Facebook tries to own everything. It is upto users.
    4. They are thinking about enabling news feed stories about applications even if user has not installed but friends have.
    5. FACEBOOK will change utlity (feeds etc) based on what works for users, what works for what kind of apps.
    6. The game is not over. Slide and Rockyou did good with opportunity. Platform matures, applications will change.

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